Sunday, January 30, 2011

sunday bloody sunday

Today was a great day. We all woke up and went to the early service at church because we thought that was the service the rest of my family would go to BUT NO… they were not there. I have started this thing that now the whole family does…. On the way to church somehow the word Sunday comes up 90% of the time and I start (loudly) singing Sunday Bloody Sunday (the song) now it’s like an on the way to church ritual. We got to church NONE too early and I hate to be late but I tried not to get “an attitude” with my snail of a hubby about it. Usually I hold Tensley during service because I just love to sway back and forth while I sing the songs to her. However today I let Phillip hold her just about all service. I needed a bit of a Jesus break! It was actually very nice. Phillip and I had a conversation/discussion the other day about how I was extremely snappy and seemed a bit angry (which I am). All during service I gave those “troubles” whatever they may be to God…. I don’t want or need them anymore! I went down to the front and got prayed for and made a God appointed…. appointment for Theophostic Prayer believing it will show me my brokenness!! After church we went to my Granny’s house because she had not gotten a chance to see Tensley yet. On the ride to and from I made a point to hold Phillips hand in the car and love on him. I “tried” not to be snappy or angry about the little things. Everyone had a pretty good time. My dad made burgers and we all sat around chattin’ it up. Tensley was talkin’ and talkin’. I am pretty sure that she thinks she can say full sentences. Everyone says she is like an adult trapped in a babys body LOL I agree although with her bald head she has the old man look down pretty good too. My dad said maybe she was Benjamin Button ROTFL….. Tensley behaved great the whole time and we were able to head out just as she was getting sleepy, figuring she would sleep the whole ride home. She didn’t sleep at all but she was content in the back just looking around.  On the way home I received a text asking if I would be able to watch some kiddos for 3hrs Monday-Friday. Helping them start homework and start dinner a couple nights a week and 1 day of light cleaning and I was going to be able to bring Tensley. I talked to Phillip quickly about it and the first question he asked was… how much are they paying you? We had hoped I could find a job to take Tensley with me where I could make a decent amount to help out with bills. We have had a figure in our heads for awhile now. I quickly said well let’s say a quick prayer that it’s exactly what we need and I will ask them what they are thinking of paying. So we did just that. It took her quite some time to reply but when she did it was the exact amount that we had just asked God for… PTL… So I replied with a see ya tomorrow!! We had planned on grilling for dinner but it seemed like time had got away from us. We got home at 4:00pm and the next time we looked at the clock it was 7:30. So I finished soothing a screaming, crying, and terribly behaved baby while trying to organize all the 257 pictures I had just picked up from Walgreen's and Phillip went to Kroger’s to get some chipotle fried chicken….. YUM…. We had a nice dinner where we talked the whole time (usually he just wants to get to sleep) and after dinner we were goofing around and I may or may not have poked him in the eye where he totally milked the fact that his eye was burrrrrrning and he thought he was going to go blind!!! I just kept telling him he wasn’t getting any sympathy from me if he couldn’t play with the big dogs he needed to get out of the cage (I totally made up the get out of the cage part because I couldn’t remember what it really said. he was none the wiser)!! As usual 9:30pm rolled around and there he was curled up next to me snoring while once again I was rocking my precious (bad mood) baby to sleep!! Usually I would find myself irritated that he didn’t have the decency to at least try and stay awake with me. However I gave that anger to God this morning so I just had to laugh. Here it is 11:22 and I’m finally about to hop in the shower both my babies are sound asleep and I am going to relax!

1 comment:

  1. I think your page is "picture perfect"! Keep blogging and I will keep following! Way to go on being REAL....I Love you!
