Sunday, January 30, 2011

why a blog today with all of life’s little messes

Today is my first official blog. I have wanted to start this for a week or so but I wanted my page to look “perfect” before I got anything posted (ridiculous I know) I have been reading a friend of mines blog for quite some time. The other day she referenced another ladies blog and I went to read it…. I LOVE HER!! I couldn’t sleep for almost 3 nights just reading all her blogs… I found myself talking about her to friends like we were extremely close *PSYCHO MUCH* She truly inspired me though. She is so real and she is capturing things with words that she will never be able to remember. Tensley is only three months old (almost) and I have already let so much slip away. I mean I just now got some pictures developed of her birth. How bad am I? After I realized that I was sleep deprived because I spent all my nights up reading this ladies blog I actually felt a little sad. I’m not as crafty as she is, I don’t have money like she does, I hadn’t thought of doing a blog earlier, I wanted to start a blog but who knows if I will really keep up with it and if I do it won’t be nearly as interesting as hers, etc… and trust me the list went on and on and on. I finally decided NO I wasn’t going to start one. There are enough things that I don’t have time to do that I make myself feel guilty for… laundry, dishes, cleaning, making dinner, loving my husband, etc…. Why add one more thing to disappoint myself. Gosh even just reading that makes me feel depressed. Nonetheless a few days passed and I guess I got out of my “funk” and decided what better way to remember the good and bad of life’s little messes. So here we gooooo


  1. Yippeeee and GOOD FOR YOU for STARTING this blog. Just think, there was no such thingie as a "blog" of any sort when MY kids were little. Of course, I am a dinosaur, LOL. Oh well. My kids photos are somewhere in boxes, which they will probably rummage through one day after our funerals are said and done. They will keep some of the photos and probably, Amanda will be very creative and start a Post-humous blogspot in the honor of those younger days LOL....okay I am dreaming. I just want to say, I am P.R.O.U.D. of you for starting!!!! Yea! Love, Leeanna

  2. Welcome to blogland! Don't be to hard on yourself either.. If you feel like blogging then blog.. if you do not then don't. I have had one since like 2005 and I love it. I have blogged consistently for long periods of time.. then went like a year with barely anything. One thing I know is this... I have been able to look back ..way back... on the older posts and remember through them and it is cool! You will be happy you did ..especially as Tensley grows.
